Monday, July 2, 2012

The End of Runebearer (or at least the website)

Over the weekend, I let the Runebearer site expire. At this stage, no one is interested in Runebearer, but for the people who are already playing Runebearer... and I know almost all of those folks. So, instead of leaving the site open and thinking about how I really ought to be updating it on a regular basis, I decided to drop it. All of the files I am editing are in a Dropbox folder, and most everyone who needs the files can get to them.

I might work on getting the files (or links to them) up on this blog, but then I would have to kick myself monthly about not updating this (largely unread) blog... and I would be back to square one. For now, I think I will just lay the game to rest until a better idea comes to me.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about this - I'd heard it recommended, but found the site expired when I got there. Any chance I could get hold of the PDF?

  2. Sure, I can get you a zip file if you like.

  3. Here is a link to a public dropbox folder with the Word documents. If there is anything I can do for you or questions I can answer, feel free to ask.

  4. I wanted to let you know something, the last time I played runeberer was more than 7 years ago, today a friend and I talked about good gaming systems & worlds. We both remembered runebearer , I even remembered the "the dead danced ....only i remained to witness to the end of days “. I came here looking for the pdf for me friend's gaming group. Any way, you are awesome.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. It is certainly nice to hear from *anyone* outside my little gaming circle that has played Runebearer. I am glad you enjoyed the game and hopefully you will see fit to check out the latest versions -- a lot has changed in 7 years system-wise.

  5. it seems to me you borrowed ideas from Powers & Perils, am i right?

    1. I am absolutely not above borrowing stuff, but not as much from P&P... because I never had a chance to read AH's epic RPG. I wish I had though, since I am a big sucker for Avalon Hill's classic games.

      I borrowed a ton from Hero, Aftermath, Jorune and later on, I swiped a bit from 3.5.

  6. Do you have any maps for the Bostonia area?

    1. I have some... somewhere. Let me check around and see if I can't post something for you.

  7. I put a link to the Dropbox of all the Word docs in the sidebar. In addition, I zipped up everything and put it at
